
Shiga Museum of Art


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Special Exhibition

Stones and Plants

Period September 23 (Fri.) - November 20 (Sun.) 2022

岡田修二《水辺 15》2001年/油彩、キャンバス/滋賀県立美術館蔵


土田麦僊《まくわ瓜図 画稿》制作年不詳/紙本鉛筆淡彩/滋賀県立美術館蔵



東加奈子《Eternal beloved》2017 年/Single-channel video ©Azuma Kanako





Stones and plants.
Both are familiar to us. For this reason, they have always been important materials and motifs in art.In this exhibition, we focus on them. Starting from the basic perspective of materials and motifs, it expands to landscapes, nature,islands, and stars, and thereby broadens our perspective not only to art, but also to our daily life and the environment that surrounds it.
We will introduce approximately 90 works by 42 artists include guest artists such as Kiyoko Koyama, a well – known Shigarakiceramicist, and two emerging artists, Soshi Matsunobe (b. 1988) and Kanako Azuma (b. 1991).
From a diverse range of genresincluding painting, prints, sculpture, photography, and film, mainly from the museum’s collection, will be exhibited. For some of theworks, more detailed texts about the materials used for works will be available in cooperation with the Lake Biwa Museum.French philosopher. Roger Caillois (1913 – 1978) said, “Stones – and not only they but also roots, shells, wings, and every othercipher and construction in nature – help to give us an idea of the proportions and laws of that general beauty about which we can onlyconjecture…”*1
After seeing this exhibition, your conception of stones and plants – and therefore of the environment that surrounds us– might change slightly.

*1 Roger Caillois, “The Image in the Stones” , The Writing of Stones, Translated by Barbara Bray, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, 1985, pp.22 – 21


September 23 (Fri.) – November 20 (Sun.) 2022



Opening Hours

9:30-17:00 (Last admission at 16:30)


Shiga Museum of Art, Gallery 3, and more.


Adults: 950JPY (800JPY)
University & High School Students: 600JPY (500JPY)
Junior High School & Elementary School Students: 400JPY (300JPY)
Under Elementary School Students: Free
Holders of a ID of physical disability, mental disability, or intellectual disability: Free
*Addmission Fees in ( ) are group rates for groups of 20 or more.
*Tickets for this exhibition can also be used to visit the museum’s collection exhibition.

Organized by

Shiga Museum of Art

Cooperation with

Lake Biwa Museum

Curated by

Miyake Atsuhiro (Shiga Museum of Art)