
Shiga Museum of Art


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Art Brut Acquisition Policy

Formation of a collection of Art Brut, with a focus on Japan and Shiga Prefecture in particular

Approach to Acquisitions

  • While remaining rooted in Shiga, where numerous outstanding art works have emerged from the social welfare sector, in the future we will also consider acquiring other key Art Brut-related works, primarily from Japan as well as some from overseas. We will select works based on the criteria below so as to offer an overview of the characteristics and appeal of Art Brut.
  • Works will be acquired in quantity and on an ongoing basis with the goal of exhibiting them as part of the museum’s collection exhibition.

Collection Policy

  • Works and materials relating to Art Brut in Shiga (including those emerging from creative activities at the welfare facilities for persons with disabilities)
  • Works and related materials that foster understanding of the characteristics of Japanese Art Brut
  • Works by Japanese and overseas contemporary artists related to Art Brut

Art Brut Acquisitions (as of March 2024)


Artist name Born in / Residence Date acquired Purchase Gift Transferred from other institution Donor or former institution
澤田真一 滋賀 H29.3 1
小幡正雄 兵庫 H29.3 50 相続財産管理人
H28年度計 0 51 0
澤田真一 滋賀 H29.12 3 7
石野光輝 滋賀 H29.12 8 滋賀県立近江学園
大辻良介 滋賀 H29.12 2 滋賀県立近江学園
木村佑介 滋賀 H29.12 8 滋賀県立近江学園
小谷嘉人 滋賀 H29.12 1 滋賀県立近江学園
西川智之 滋賀 H29.12 11 滋賀県立近江学園
濱脇忍 滋賀 H29.12 4 滋賀県立近江学園
溝口翔太 滋賀 H29.12 4 滋賀県立近江学園
村木勇 滋賀 H29.12 3 滋賀県立近江学園
作者不詳 (一麦寮) 滋賀 H29.12 2 滋賀県立近江学園
魲 万里絵 長野 H30.3 1
H29年度計 4 7 43
塔本シスコ 熊本/大阪 H31.3 3
山崎健一 新潟 H31.3 32
H30年度計 35 0 0
塔本シスコ 熊本/大阪 R2.3 1
藤岡祐機 熊本 R2.3 10
R1年度計 11 0 0
古久保憲満 滋賀 R3.3 1
坂上チユキ 兵庫 R3.3 3
R2年度計 4 0 0
54 58 43