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KISHI Chikudo (1826-1897)

Born into a family of feudal retainers of the Hikone Domain (in present-day Shiga Prefecture), Chikudo Kishi was still quite young when he became a pupil of Renzan Kishi in Kyoto, and his talent was swiftly recognized. Chikudo eventually became the fourth-generation head of the Kishi School, and was a prominent Kyoto painter for much of the late 19th century. The Kishi School was known for animal paintings, and Chikudo particularly excelled at tigers, the first living one of which arrived in Japan around 1890. The artist subsequently shifted from traditional stylized representations to realistic depictions like this one. Looking as fierce as the real thing, this tiger astounded viewers at the time with its keenly glinting eyes, regal bearing, and finely rendered coat of fur.
Color on silk
159.3×71.6 cm