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Special Exhibition

150th Anniversary of His Birth Yamamoto Shunkyo

Period April 23 (Sat) - June 19 (Sun.), 2022

山元春挙 《瑞祥》 1931(昭和6)年 足立美術館蔵

山元春挙《ロッキーの雪》 1905(明治38)年頃 髙島屋史料館蔵 (展示期間4月23日-5月22日)

山元春挙《山上楽園》 1922(大正11)年 京都市美術館蔵 (展示期間4月23日-5月22日)

山元春挙《奥山の春》 1933(昭和8)年 足立美術館蔵

山元春挙《義士の面影》 1931(昭和6)年 個人蔵

山元春挙《武陵桃源図》 1926(大正15)年 滋賀県立美術館蔵 (展示期間5月24日-6月19日)

山元春挙《しぐれ来る瀞峡》 1931(昭和6)年 滋賀県立美術館蔵 (展示期間5月24日-6月19日)

山元春挙《寒山帰牧》 明治30年代前半 京都市美術館蔵 (展示期間5月24日-6月19日)

山元春挙《春の海》 1928(昭和3)年 愛媛県美術館蔵(展示期間4月23日-5月22日)

山元春挙《万年雪図》 1915(大正4)年 滋賀県立美術館 (展示期間5月24日-6月19日)


Yamamoto Shunkyo—the 150th Anniversary of his birth is an exhibition jointly planned by the Shiga Museum of Art, the Kasaoka, and The Suiboku Museum, Toyama, with assistance from the Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities.
Yamamoto Shunkyo (1872–1933) was born near Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, today the city of Otsu. He was born on January fourth in the fourth year of the Meiji era, and he remained an influential painter active through to the Showa era. His name is often mentioned together with Takeuchi Seiho (1864–1942), a leading figure in the Kyoto circle of modern painters, eight years Shunkyo’s senior. Together, they occupy a venerated place in the history of Japanese painting.
Shunkyo apprenticed with Nomura Bunkyo (1854–1911) and Mori Kansai (1814–1894) in Kyoto, and displayed great talent while still in his teens. He made a name for himself at a young age, showing at exhibitions and expositions in Japan and abroad. Year after year he showed new paintings for the Bunten, an annual Fine Arts Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education, and the Teiten, the Imperial Academy of Fine Art Exhibition. In 1917 (Taisho 6), Shunkyo was specially selected to be an Artist to the Imperial Household, a privileged designation given to only the most noteworthy painters, sculptors, and craftspeople of the time. This honor solidified his position in the art world.
For the enthronement of the Showa emperor in 1928 (Showa 3), Shunkyo painted a pair of folding screens for Poetry and Genre Scenes from Yuki and Suki Provinces for Daijosai (not on exhibit). As was the custom, two artists were selected—one from the east of Japan, one from the west—to produce sister works. The artist selected from the east (Yuki) was Kawai Gyokudo (1873–1957), while Shunkyo was the artist selected to depict a scene from the west (Suki). More Great things were expected of Shunkyo in his later years, but he fell ill suddenly just five years hence and passed away in 1933 (Showa 8) at sixty-one years of age.
Shunkyo excelled at creating majestic, photorealistic landscapes in vivid colors, many of which were mountainscapes and scenes with water. His unique style borrowed from oil painting techniques and photography, while upholding the traditions of the Maruyama-Shijo school. His works broke new ground in the art world led by the Kyoto circle of modern painters.
For this exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of Shunkyo’s birth, the artist’s greatest masterpieces and most sublime works were gathered to honor his lifetime achievement as a painter. Also on display are sketches he drew at locations that he always made a point of seeing with his own eyes. The illustrations complement the paintings and offer a different glimpse into his appreciable talent.
Lastly, the organizers wish to thank everyone who made this exhibition possible—the Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities for its assistance, the Yamamoto family and Kion-ji Roka Sensuiso for their cooperation, and the art museums and collectors who lent us these valuable works of art.


April 23 (Sat) – June 19 (Sun.), 2022



Opening Hours

9:30-17:00(Last admission at 16:30)


Shiga Mseum of Art , Gallery 3


Adults ‒ 1,200JPY (1,000JPY)
University & High School Students ‒ 800(600) JPY
Junior high school & Elementary students‒ 600(450) JPY
Under Elementary School Students: Free
Holders of a ID of physical disability, mental disability, or intellectual disability: Free
*Addmission Fees in ( ) are group rates for groups of 20 or more.
*Tickets for this exhibition can also be used to visit the museum’s collection exhibition.

Organized by

Shiga Museum of Art, The Kyoto Shimbun, 150th Anniversary of His Birth Yamamoto Shunkyo Exhibition Exective Committee

Supported by

Japan Foundation for Regional Art-activities